Thank you for supporting the development of BiQui. Here are several possibilities:
BiQui is currently available in German and English - soon also in Russian.
Are you fluent in German and also in English or Russian? If so, we are looking forward to your support in the translation work.
Please contact us via and introduce yourself. Thank you!
By the way, as a reward you will receive a lifeline for each translated question!
Windows programming (desktop and mobile devices)
For Windows we have not yet found anyone, who can help us in programming.
Do you know someone who is able to write applications for Windows and would have the time, energy and motivation to help us get BiQui ready for this system?
Please send us a mail to Thank you in advance.
Make BiQui public in the English-speaking world
We are very happy that more than 20,000 participants have played BiQui or are currently playing it in German-speaking countries!
Each week, about 8,000 to 10,000 games are played.
But unfortunately BiQui is allmost unknown in the English-speaking world. Do you have English-speaking friends? Then invite them to BiQui!
You can donate to cover the expenses of the game. This will not be tax-deductible.
You can do this via PayPal by sending your donation to the following account: or you can click on the donation button.
Or you can send your donation via bank transfer to:
Ingo Grebe
IBAN: DE18 7603 0080 0240 3268 81
Independently of your donation the game is and will remain free of charge and free of advertisement. (Of course excluding the necessary copyright notices pertaining to third parties.) Your donation will also not have any influence on the further development of BiQui.